  • Daily StudyStudy Torah daily with our Daily Study portal. Lessons include: Chumash with Rashi, Psalms/Tehillim, Tanya, Rambam and Hayom Yom.
  • Shabbat DinnerJoin us for a wonderful experience as we celebrate Shabbat through a program that will give you insight into the traditions and customs that have enriched our lives for thousands of years.
Chabad of Aston services the community with weekly Torah study, kids clubs, Jewish holiday celebrations, Shabbat meals, Challah deliveries etc.
Synagogue Services and Shabbat Dinner

The first Friday of the month enjoy Shabbat dinner and Friday night services

Weekly Torah Study

Wednesday night 7:00 pm at the Rachel Kohl Community Library

Learning & Inspiration
  • Who “Invented” the Holiday on 15 Shevat?When did Tu Bishvat become a thing, and why specifically now? Read More
  • The Pleasure Principle The Fifteenth of Shevat celebrates the New Year for Trees and the marks the beginning of a new fruit... Read More
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events posted at this time.
Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Aston, PA 19014
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13
Daily Thought
They translate it as “The Bible,” or “The Law,” but that’s not what the word means. Torah means “instructions.” Whatever piece of Torah you learn, you must find the instructions it is...